Mini Projects in Python, C, and Java. With a complete explanation of each line of code. The overall report of the project will also be made available to download. Hence best efforts will be taken to make you understand a particular project in the simplest way.


Face Detection Using OpenCV and Python 2022

Topic – Face Detection Using OpenCV and Python 2022 What is a Facial Recognition System? A facial recognition system is a technology capable of matching a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces, typically employed to authenticate users through ID verification services, works by pinpointing and measuring […]

Mini Projects

Top 11 Python Libraries for Data Science in 2022

Topic- Top 11 Python Libraries for Data Science Python is undoubtedly the best programming language for Data Science, due to its awesome libraries designed to perform data-driven tasks! In this article, we will discuss the top 11 Python libraries for data science tasks. We will give a brief description of the tasks, that each of […]

Mini Projects

Fake News Classifier with NLP 2021

Topic – Fake News Classifier with NLP Classify News as Real or Fake with Natural Language Processing Fake news turns you crazy right?! Undoubtedly YES! As Artificial Intelligence is designed to perform all the tasks a human can do in a machine-understandable way, NLP – the proud child of AI comes here to play! Here […]

Mini Projects