December 29, 2021

Top 10 On Camera Interview Tips in 2022

Topic- Top 10 On Camera Interview Tips | 2022

Not everyone’s a natural when it comes to getting along with a camera. Are you looking for some tips to calm your nerves before an interview?

Or are you wondering how to make friends with the shiny lens box staring at you when an interviewer shots darts of questions at you?

Yes, we understand the terror.

But guess what, your worries end here!

It is vital to know what to say and win an effective delivery of your message on camera.

Gear up to rock your on-camera interview with the Top 10 On Camera Tips we have put together, just for you.
Read along to treat yourself with helpful tips to nail your coming on-camera interview.

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On Camera Interview Tips
A Confident On Camera Interview

How Do You Talk To The Cameras In An Interview? (On-Camera Interview Tips)

Those shiny lens boxes capturing your interview are no terrors. But yes, if you are having a hard time talking and working out with them, there is only one way out of this mess. 


You got to imagine that instead of the camera lens someone is sitting, who’s listening to you. This will help you make eye contact with the camera.

Hence, bring out the best on-camera experience for the audience viewing the tape or watching it stream live.

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What Helps You Stand Out In A Video Interview? (On-Camera Interview Tips)

Everything. Your dressing sense, way of speaking, words, thoughts, actions, responses, answers, background, experiences, etc. Are important for you to excel and stand out.

The more you try to be perfect at a video interview while maintaining your comfort, it’s going to help you stand out.

Know- The 5 Ways How To Impress The Interviewer And The Audience (On-Camera Interview Tips)

Are you wondering why is it essential to make a good impression on the camera? And since it is necessary, how exactly can you nail it?

Here are 5 ways on how you can come prepared to impress the interviewer and the audience:

  • Entertain

One thing the audience doesn’t mind getting is entertainment. Make sure you put forth your answers in the on-camera interview with a topping of hearty entertainment. 

Doing so, will not only makes your interview lively; but also help you reach out and make a public sensation.

  • Research

It is necessary to come prepared, with your homework when going on camera for an interview.

You might get offered several questions which you will have to handle tactfully. You should know what to speak when and where. Research is crucial at such times.

  • Dress Appropriately

Indeed, the clothes you wear can build or break your personality impressions on the crowd. It can also start a trend. Make sure you are elegant with simplicity in your dressing style. 

The soberer you portray yourself, the better.

Dressing up as a professional helps to connect to people too, even at on-camera interviews or in person.

  • Ask Questions

It is not a compulsion or a rule that only the interviewer asks the questions. Break the stereotype. Ask questions from time to time to keep the conversation going and natural. Don’t let it be one-sided.

Tell stories, ask for the perspectives of the interviewer, the masses too.

Asking questions also helps you portray yourself as a genuine and interested person. 

Resulting in you taking up your notch to better heights.

  • Be Passionate 

Passion is a powerful phenomenon. It helps you bind the audience together and puts you in the spotlight. So, be passionate when talking and answering at the on-camera interview. 

It makes people more interested in the content you are delivering, because of the atmosphere you create. 

The Top 10 On-Camera Interview Tips

Facing the media can be uncomfortable at times. And if you get a swarm of interviewers on camera with an orchard variety of questions, it’s natural if you can’t help with a nerve-wracking panic attack.

But hey, we’re going to fix that for you with expert tips to help you shine at your on-camera interview and not your anxiety.

#1 Time To Make Some Friends With The Cam Crew!

Usually, when people sit for an on-camera interview, the crew is treated as pieces of equipment and the interviewee makes a talk with only the reporter. 

Make sure you reach out to the cam crew, be nice to them and they will be more likely to help you out to get acquainted with the camera and kill your fear.

They can advise you how to look more presentable and better on camera and provide you with a good load of knowledge.

Don’t you miss that!

#2 Understand And Explore The Setting. You Got To Make Yourself Comfortable, Don’t You Agree?

When you try to blend in and understand the setting, it helps you open up more and relax your nerves too.

These are good exercises that help you to perform better at the on-camera interview.

Understanding the setting means understanding what and how to dress, which phrases to use, and how to present yourself as a person.

Hence, this helps you become more comfortable with the interview and deliver your finest.

#3 Discuss With The Cam Crew How Do You Plan To Express Yourself. 

If you are going to talk with your hand gestures, make sure you inform the crew about it. It’s completely alright if you use hands to emphasize and make your point or be natural in the way you speak.

Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

The cam crew needs to know when to zoom in and when to zoom out if you are using hand gestures.

You don’t want your fingers occasionally making an appearance in the frame with such a close up that it ruins your gestures.

#4 Ask Where You Should Make Eye Contact; With The Interviewer Or The Camera. You Must Know.

You should know where to look and when. Most times, the journalists interviewing you want you to look at them and not directly at the camera.

Still, you must confirm. It is crucial to make eye contact when talking at an on-camera interview. It helps the audience to connect to you a little better and makes you lively.

#5 Keep Your Notes Handy.

Keeping your notes handy doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t practice. You should know what your points are and, you mustn’t mug up.

Keep them for reminding yourself of the key pointers you will be bringing to light in the interview. But restrain yourself from constantly looking at the notes.

It is necessary to practice and know what you are planning to speak. Notes exist to remind you if you miss out on a point, you are not supposed to read out from it. 

It might create an unwanted impression in the mind of the people if you do so.

As long as you don’t read through the pages on camera, you are good to go.

#6 Think Before You Speak, Pal!

The umms, and the buts, and the ahhs. You must ditch them in the bin when appearing for an on-camera interview.

Don’t blurt out answers rather take the time to think and speak confidently. 

Build some drama with some pauses, exclamations, emphasis.

Try to sound poised, also keep the elegance to make it easier for the crew to edit the piece and easier for the crowd to understand.

#7 Be Free To Ask For A Redo If You Feel Like You Need One.

You might find this weird and odd. Also, this won’t work if you’re going live, but if your on-camera interview is getting taped, this is going to be helpful.

If you feel like you have stumbled and you wish to make it right; don’t hesitate. Ask for a redo.

This will help you deliver the same content but with a better and powerful soundbite and better control over the setting.

#8 Smile, Please!

Isn’t it just pleasant when someone smiles at you? Yes, being sweet and lively is very important when conversing with a person, so imagine the energy you need to harness to talk to an audience. 

Smiling helps you by warming up your voice and displays you as a sincere and confident personality. 

Make sure you don’t forget to smile when in an on-camera interview!

#9 Nope, No Fidgeting. Remember This Mantra For On-Camera Interview Tip

In an on-camera interview, you want the audience to listen to your words, your opinion.

If you’re constantly fidgeting, moving and getting distracted, it’s not going to help them understand you.

When sitting in an interview, make sure you are comfortable and keep your both feet firm to the ground. 

If you are standing in an interview, make sure you act like you’re in the military, hands to the side.

When you’re uncomfortable sitting in a specific posture and maintaining it, that’s when you start to wiggle and feel awkward. This leads to a release in nervous energy and changes your facial expressions.

Now, now, we don’t want that. Do we?

#10 Roll With High Energy!

Speak with mots of intonation, bubbling energy when on camera. Put more effort than you put into your normal conversation.

This might feel like you are overdoing it at the moment, but once on camera, it doesn’t look that way at all.

If having doubts, film yourself from your phone first. And when you will play it, you will see that high energy works well on films. 

Make sure you keep up the enthusiasm so that you don’t bore the audience to the depths of the ocean.


Viola! Here we presented you with brilliant, to-the-point, top 10 on-camera interview tips. Make sure you keep these in mind; you will get your upcoming on-camera interview smooth as butter.

Nothing helps as much as experience and practice. So make sure you fill up your confidence by practicing and implementing these golden rules. 

We hope that our compilation of the best advice for an on-camera interview helped you out. Best wishes for the prime hour with the camera! With this we conclude the topic of Top 10 On Camera Interview Tips.

Programming Magazine

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