November 5, 2020

List of Best 15 Self-Help Spiritual Books of all Time | Spirituality Books for Beginners | USA UK 2021-22

About – Best Spiritual Books of All Time | Best Indian Spiritual Books Of All Time

Napoleon Bonaparte once said,

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”

Being on a Spiritual Journey for more than 21 months now, I firmly believe Spirituality is a great way to stay grounded, survive in difficult times, & fulfill your desires in life.

Take any successful person you know who has done anything great has practiced Spirituality directly or indirectly.

I will keep this part short as the truth of life is better experienced in reality. After-all life is all about Experiences.

If you are a beginner and interested in exploring another dimension of this life, I’ve compiled a list of the all time best 15 books on Spirituality (And/or Law of Attraction). That I believe is great for beginners.

(I have just categorized them for your simplification. Lets Start 🙂

Category 1 – Top 4 BEST Selling Spiritual Books

4. The Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection

“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”

Salvador Dali

(This is one of the Best spiritual books of all time)

If I ask you whom you love the most in this world, how long will it take to name yourself? The name of the book itself suggests that imperfection is gifting to Humans.

They add contrast to our life. However, most people find it hard to accept themselves as they are. The author, Brené Brown has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.

Here are 5 Spiritual books that are all-time #1 Best Seller in New York. Making my mind reading this was undoubtedly one of the best decisions. After reading this, trust me your answer to the first question in this paragraph will be “Myself”. That’s the power of this (Spiritual)book. Click on the below link(as per your country) to buy it.

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” ~Walt Disney

3. The Four Agreements

best spiritual book

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”

Louise Hay

Before starting, I will explain to you in short how our belief system changes our reality.

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This is how your beliefs turns into your reality. You become what you believe. Your beliefs are the foundations of your thoughts. Your thoughts inspires your feelings. Feelings reflects your Actions. Action shapes your personality and finally personality becomes your personal reality. Make sure to have a belief system which is good enough for your happy life. Starting with my mindset, I invite you all in this journey of Developing and Understanding technologies with a peaceful and positive mindset. As in the end, a positive mind leads to a happy life 🙂 Follow @myblindbird @myblindbird @myblindbird #myblindbird#digitallife#techy#instatechnology #ml#newtechnology #futuretech#Technologynews #buildtheweb#positivity #affirmations#kundalini #divination#manifestyourdreams #positivityonly #positivityiskey#endlesspossibilities #enlightmentnow#new

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“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz is a spiritual guide advocating personal freedom and happiness. It presents four principles for leading a fulfilling life: be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. These agreements encourage self-awareness, breaking free from limiting beliefs and fostering positive relationships. The book draws on ancient Toltec wisdom, offering practical insights to transform one’s mindset and improve overall well-being.  All 4 chapters on agreements are explained with child-like simplicity & with tremendous depth. Here are the links

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” ~William Styron

2. The Power of Now

best spiritual books for beginners

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

Alice Morse Earle

More than 2 million people loved this book. Author Eckhart Tolle is himself a Spiritual Practitioner since the age of 29. His book “The Power of Now” is one of the top Spiritual books for beginners.

You can connect with your higher self and move mountains in your mind with the help of this book’s basic concepts. This book will show you how to stop chasing after thoughts and feelings and to live in the present moment.

“A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.” ~David Mitchell

1. The Untethered Soul

another spiritual book for beginners

“What do you want? Just coffee. Black – like my soul.”

Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

The author of this book, Michael A. Singer is a Spiritual teacher himself & wonderfully shines a light on our thought process.

He has separated all the layers of the mind on which our thoughts are formed and stored. This book makes us realize we are neither thoughts nor this material body.

We are witnesses to all this. And that we all are connected. This is really a deep thing to understand and trust me I cried some good tears when I realized I am connected to everything and everything is all already inside me.

I just can’t explain that feeling & that day onwards I seriously looked at everything from a different pov.
You must experience this feeling as this is one of the milestones (just a concept) towards Spirituality.

This book taught me to take notice of my internal energy and gave me confidence that dealing with it is always the better route to take instead of hiding it.

“If you would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads, but what he rereads.” ~Francois Mauriac

Include – Spiritual Books for Beginners 2020

Category 2 – Best Spiritual Enlightenment Books

4. The Seven Steps to Awakening

spiritual books for beginners 2020-2021

Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.

Ramana Maharshi

What’s your opinion about Quotes? Do they really work? Share your opinions in the comment section.

Here’s what I had experienced. (You can read in detail about how to use Quotes in the right way by clicking here) Quotes work for us when we know the exact meaning along with the story attached to it. Trust me on this single piece of text can inspire us amazingly.

In the book “The Seven Steps to Awakening” author Ramana Maharshi has provided the most effective collection of quotes even written till now.

These Quotes will directly give you the experience of one’s true Self whose nature is Love & infinite. It’s a masterpiece for those who are seeking Liberation. I highly recommend beginners go through all the seven chapters in this book for Spiritual Awakening. Here are the links.

“Wear the old coat and buy the new book.” ~Austin Phelps

3. The Book of Awakening – Mark Nepo

best spiritual books of all time

“Those who truly love us will never knowingly ask us to be other than we are”

Mark Nepon

This book is wonderful and very uplifting, especially during these COVID days. It would be great if you start your day reading this book or at least end your day with it.

Narrator Mark Nepo unfolds all the layers of life beautifully in this book. He has shared his wonderful journey in a completely pure manner.

Nepo speaks of spirit and friendship, urging readers to stay vital and in love with this life, no matter the hardships.  Nepo’s words offer insight into pain, wonder, and love. Each entry is accompanied by an exercise that will surprise and delight the reader with its mind-waking ability.

What I think is it completely depends on how we get awakened. We just need to get started. Rest everything will fall into place eventually. Below are the links to this book

“Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.” ~Diane Duane

2. Sweat the Technique – Rakim

best spiritual books in 2021

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

Alice Morse Earle

(One of the best spiritual books of all time)

The Author Rakim, of this book, is a hip-hop legend also known as the Greatest MC of all time. He is not only a songwriter but a great Modern writer as well.

The ability to write anything well requires discipline. In this book, he has talked about the way he thinks about music, writing, the power of words, etc. He also teaches writers of all levels. After reading this you will for SURE become his fan. Fan of his energy level, vibes, swag, mindset, and many more. He has written about Universe Mysticism, Consciousness, Religion, and other stuff. Grab it now. Here are the links

“I guess there are never enough books.” ~John Steinbeck

These were the top 4 Enlightenment Spiritual books for beginners.

Include – Best Spiritual books of all time

1. Radical Enlightenment – Kevin Russell

enlightenment book

“What do you want? Just coffee. Black – like my soul.”

Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Another Great book on Spiritual enlightenment. The “Radical Enlightenment: My Guy on the 9th Floor: A Handbook For Leveling-up Your Consciousness, Fulfillment, And Connection To Your Higher Self.”
Author Kevin Russell talks about the Guy in his life at the age of 41, who is probably his higher self. Full of positivity, confidence, encouraging, happy, and sometimes crazy as well.

He had shared his entire enlightenment journey and how he felt at that moment, enveloped with his body energies, his cry-laughing experience, and more. Even the life journey of the author is amazing.

It’s not an ordinary self-help book rather much more than that. You can simply read the reviews of this book from the Amazon store & there itself you will make up your mind to purchase it. Below are the links.

“Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house.” ~Henry Ward Beecher

Category 3 – Books on Spirituality & Chakras

2. A Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras

best spiritual books of all time

If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.

Louise Hay

This book will be a great choice for all beginners who want to get in-depth knowledge of Chakras in a simple manner. In spirituality, it’s believed that we have 7 Major Chakras in our body starting from the end of the Spinal Cord (the Root Chakra) to the one at the top of our head (Crown Chakra).

Everything about them is explained with child-like simplicity in this book. Once you get mastery of these chakras, your Enlightenment journey wouldn’t be very difficult.

In fact, the road to enlightenment is itself so AMAZING that we stay walking on that path EFFORTLESSLY. Buy this book from the below links.

“You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” ~Paul Sweeney

Best Spiritual books of all time

1. The Empowered Empath – Judy Dyer

best spiritual book for enpowerment

“The majority of empaths awakening to their gifts ignore their gut instincts. Don’t do this; your intuition is always correct.”

Judy Dyer

Author-Judy Dyer
There comes a point in our life where we get exhausted from our sufferings. To be honest, I am totally messed up from life while I am writing this. I can clearly observe all the conflicts, negativity going in my mind right now but am not able to control it.

I haven’t read this book but from the reviews, it seems that this book can take me out of this endless suffering.
The tagline of this book “A Simple Guide on Setting Boundaries, Controlling Your Emotions, and Making Life Easier” makes it a perfect medicine for all those who are suffering from a disease called “Emotional Imbalance”.

I hope adding this book to my library will surely make an impact on my life. (I will write more about this once I finish reading). You can buy these books from below affiliate links.

“I owe everything I am and everything I will ever be to books.” ~Gary Paulsen

Category 4 – Best Book on mindfulness (Best Seller)

Think Like a Monk – Jay Shetty

think like a monk best spiritual book for beginners 2021

“Motivation comes from meaning. Everything comes from meaning.”

Jay Shetty

One of the most famous Indian Authors, Jay Shetty is known for the wisdom he shares. Also known as Social-Media Star for influencing today’s youth.

The way he conveys the message is probably the best and most efficient way in today’s technical era. His book “Think like a Monk” gives you a style of thinking.

After all, we are what we think. So it’s very very necessary to have a proper mindset towards life. Each chapter will take you deep inside your heart & Soul. It’s beautifully written, simple language, thought-provoking. Try reading this.

“When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.” ~Erasmus

Category 5 – Top 2 Indian spiritual books

2. Space Age Indians – Ardy Sixkiller Clarke

best indian spiritual book

If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.

Louise Hay

This is the fourth book of Ardy Sixkiller Clarke (Author). If you like reading about UFOs/Aliens you must read this book. In this book, she has mentioned UFO activity with indigenous peoples.

I wish she keeps writing such great books on these topics and educating us about this dimension of the universe. Let me tell although the book is on Space, UFO, Aliens it is easy to read and doesn’t contain tough scientific jargon. So what are you waiting for?

“Wear the old coat and buy the new book.” ~Austin Phelps

1. One Being: Spiritual Path of Adi Shankara

best indian spiritual books for beginners

Those who truly love us will never knowingly ask us to be other than we are

You must have heard somewhere that we all are one and connected to everything around us. Scientific theories like Big-bang also talk about the same thing.

In Spirituality, this “one” is Pure consciousness. Just like for water, we don’t say it’s yours or it’s mine, similarly, there is this same pure consciousness in every single matter on this earth.

Our physical & psychological things may differ but this consciousness is one and the same in everyone.
The author “Adi Shankara” was a very well-known philosopher in the history of India.

In this book, he has beautifully explained this concept with many examples and once you realize that we are present everywhere, and everything is already inside us, you will burst into tears FOR SURE. When I realized this after listening to it from one Spiritual leader, tears rushed from my eyes and everything was seeming very beautiful. Try this out.

“I guess there are never enough books.” ~John Steinbeck

These were the 2 best Indian spiritual books of all time.

Category 6 – Best two books on the law of attraction

2. The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

best law of attraction book in 2021

Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.

Maya Angelou

If you have read my Journey in Spirituality, you must be knowing that I first tried using the Law of Attraction to attract some specific person. I am almost aware will all the techniques and most importantly what it takes to attract something.

I will definitely write all my manifestations and how I did in the next article. For now, as the title of this book says “The Last…”
it is surely the last one you will ever read.

All the things and concepts related to LOA have been explained by the author Andrew Kap. To understand what is Law of Attraction is from this book & live the dream life you want.

(PS – Law of Attraction isn’t a magical thing. It’s completely scientific and definitely, it is NOT like how people describe it “YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT. JUST IMAGINE IT” It doesn’t work like this.)

“We read in bed because reading is halfway between life and dreaming, our own consciousness in someone else’s mind.” ~Anna Quindlen

1) 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks

law of attractions tips and tricks books 2021

“What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”


Techniques in the Law of Attraction are to train your subconscious mind to think in the right way. Over time, many techniques have been re-discovered by great spiritual leaders.

For different people, the different trick works. Scripting, visualizing, storyboard, 555 technique, etc. are some of the techniques practiced in Law of Attraction to manifest our dreams.
You will get such 50 Exercises, Tips & Tricks in this book. These “tricks” are a very positive, easy, and playful approach to the matter.

This was the last book on the list of best spiritual books of all time. 🙂

“Reading brings us, unknown friends.” ~Honore de Belzac


Concluding Best Spiritual Books Of All Time USA UK

While there are hundreds of amazing books written on Spiritual /Law of Attraction for beginners, choosing a few among those is a daunting task. With this last book I conclude the article best books on spirituality for beginners.

I hope the Quotes in the middle of the books might have helped you know their importance. If confused about which one to buy, just randomly pick up anyone.

As all the mentioned books are best and loved by many readers including me.

Feel free to contact us in case of any queries & keep visiting our site for more Spiritual content. With this, we conclude the topic of best spiritual books of all time USA UK 2021-2022. Thank You!

Law of Attraction, Spiritual Magazine